Skidaway Island Democrats believe in the fundamental right of women to make decisions about their bodies without government interference. This includes the right to choose abortion. Access to safe and legal abortion is a critical component of women’s reproductive healthcare. It is essential to ensure health, bodily autonomy, and equality.

We believe women have the Right to Privacy and Autonomy.

Every woman has the right to autonomy over her own body. The decision to continue or terminate a pregnancy is private and deeply personal. It should be made by women in consultation with health care providers, without interference from politicians. Use of women’s bodies for any purpose must be offered voluntarily. No woman should be forced by any government to give birth against her will.

We believe women have the Right to Health Care and Safety.

Access to safe and legal abortion is crucial to women’s health and safety. Restricting legal abortion access does not reduce abortion. It forces women to seek dangerous alternatives with the risk of devastating health consequences. We advocate for safeguarding access to reproductive health care for women without subjecting them or their healthcare providers to criminal prosecution.

We believe in Rights Protecting Victims of Rape and Incest.

It is unconscionable to force victims of rape and incest to carry a pregnancy to term against their will resulting from these traumatic and violent acts. We strongly advocate for the right of victims to obtain abortion services without barriers or stigma to ensure that politicians do not further victimize them.

We believe in the Right to Compassion for Women with Nonviable Pregnancies.

Forcing a woman to carry a nonviable pregnancy or seriously malformed fetus to term is cruel and inhumane. It creates the risk of physical harm to women that can lead to loss of future fertility and even death. It results in psychological harm to entire families. We advocate for the right of women to make the difficult decision to terminate pregnancies in consultation with their healthcare providers, without them facing legal ramifications or societal judgment and without their providers facing criminal prosecution.

We believe women have the Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination.

The government denying women access to abortion perpetuates inequality for women. It discriminates against those who are most at risk for adverse consequences of unwanted pregnancy, including low-income women and women of color, who may face more significant barriers to accessing safe reproductive healthcare.

We believe in the Right to Legal and Social Support.

Government must ensure that laws support women’s reproductive rights and that social infrastructure provides support to exercise rights without stigma or coercion. This includes protecting healthcare providers from criminal prosecution and threats of violence when offering what may be life-saving care. This also includes providing support for women choosing to continue with pregnancy.

Skidaway Island Democrats thus affirm the right of women to access safe and legal abortion as a fundamental aspect of reproductive freedom, privacy, and health. We advocate for policies and practices that respect women’s autonomy and promote gender equality, health, and well-being. We assert that healthcare providers’ actions delivering essential, often life-saving services should not be criminalized. We stand in support of victims of rape and incest, upholding their right to access abortion services as part of recovery and healing.

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